Subject: [WORKER BEES] 5/18/2006 07:38:09 AM
Date: Thu, 18 May 2006 05:38:10 -0700 (PDT)
The same thing is happening in Memphis. My daughter and
I walk in the morning and last week we passed 3 mexicans
digging holes for street lights on our way back on the
opposite side of the street these 3 men were watching us
all the way. The next day on my street 3 black men were
doing the same thing and I went out to talk to them. I
asked if Mexicans were taking over their jobs and they
all said yes they are and they don't even speak english.
The ratio here of 3 Mexicans for every 3 black men scares the hell out me.
Why don't the people of Tennessee speak up against what is happening here? And why are Bill Frist and Lamar Alexander allowed to get away with not representing us?
Posted by to WORKER BEES at 5/18/2006 07:38:09 AM