
Friday, July 14, 2006

Further Choking of Tennessee Voters By the "Beltway Elite"

I hope that Frist's anti-American message continues to reach the Tennessee voters? America's future can't afford Mr. Frist's NEW WORLD CORPORATE ORDER to occupy the Oval Office. We the Tennesse voters elected him to the Senate and he promptly disregarded are collective voices pleading to SECURE OUR BORDERS! (Please read S-2611 passed out of the Senate.)

Now that soon-to-be-former senator, Bill Frist, along with his Senate cronies, have sold America to corporate interest and their new world order, we are now presented with business as usual. Mr. Frist's automated newsletter was distributed on this day. He and his treacherous Senate sidekicks would like us to believe they have only America's interest in their hearts! It has been clear for several months how they completely ignored the will of the American people that elected them to their "vaulted positions." Now they expect us to forget their prior treasonist actions and swallow this latest smoke screen crap from inside the beltway. I continue to wait for the next election to help tighten that beltway around their throats by voting them out of office. (I will do whatever I can to remind the American people of Frist's disdain for their opinions when he campaigns for the oval office.)

Please "enjoy" the content of his latest newsletter release and try not to choke on the smoke!

Senator William H. Frist, M.D. - U.S. Senator, Tennessee - U.S. Senate Majority Leader

Today the Senate overwhelmingly passed legislation to secure America's homeland by funding vital activities of the Department of Homeland Security and confronting the challenges facing our borders, ports, and transit systems.

By providing more than $14 billion specifically to strengthen our nation’s borders, we took another important step to bolster our frontline defenses against illegal border crossings.

Under this legislation, the Republican Congress will add 2,000 new border patrol agents (bringing the total to 14,320) and increase the number of detention beds by 5,000 (bringing the total to 25,300) in the next fiscal year– all done in an effort to combat illegal immigration.

I look forward to working with the House to produce a final piece of legislation so that the President can quickly sign into a law a bill funding America’s homeland and border security needs.

Bill Frist

Posted by David A. Bess, A Tennessee Voter


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