
Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Will Mr. Gordon Fight To Not Delay Action Until After November Elections?

June 6, 2006

Mr. David Bess
Murfreesboro, Tennessee 37128

Dear David,

Thank you for letting me know of your concerns about
H.R. 2672, the North American Cooperative Security Act.
It helps me better represent Middle Tennessee when I hear
from you.

I appreciate your concerns. I want you to know that I am
a staunch supporter of U.S. sovereignty. In this age of
international terrorism we need to work with our neighbors
to enhance security, but never at the expense of U.S.
sovereignty. The power to write and enforce the laws that
govern the U.S. must always rest with the elected
representatives of the American people in the state and
federal government.

Regarding H.R. 2672, I am not a co-sponsor of this legislation.
Though it was introduced in Congress in May, 2005, it is
currently tied up in committee. I appreciate knowing of your
concerns about this legislation in case additional action is
taken at a future time. Please feel free to contact me for
updates on the status of this matter.

Again, thank you for sharing your thoughts with me. Please do
not hesitate to call on me if I can ever be of assistance to
you or your family.

Stay in touch,
Member of Congress


If Mr. Gordon votes to delay action until after the November elections, then
his actions should be interpreted as a yes vote for compromise with the Senate
Trash S-2611.

It does not matter that he is not a co-sponsor of HR-2672. If he supports no
action until after the elections then he must endorse the compromise that destroys
America. If this occurs then replace Mr. Gordon in the House!

David A. Bess

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Help derail Congressman Cannon's election and send a message to all House members including Congressman Bart Gordon of Tennessee. Do not delay action on Senate Trash S-2611. If action is delayed until after November then we can only assume a yes vote for this garbage will follow. The House will "bet" on the short memories of voting Americans.

Congressman Chris Cannon is "inspired" to rid America of the illegal aliens that are criminals. Then he wants to bring the remaining illegal aliens [out of the shadows] and afford them American civil liberties! He is attempting to pass himself off as a Congressman Tom Tancredo, but what he is really endorsing is AMNESTY for illegal aliens. (This moves these illegals to the head of a long waiting list of immigrants that have been trying to enter America the correct way. Immigrants that Americans will be proud to include in our dream.)

It is true, there are several degrees of criminal activity, but criminal activity is still criminal. Enforce the current laws, intercepting illegal alien invaders and prosecuting employers that recruit and knowingly offer jobs to these criminals.

Congressman Cannon's banal arguement about America not having the funds to deport illegal aliens is a smoke screen. If employers can not hire these criminals then all that can happen is the illegal aliens will go somewhere else to seek jobs. Perhaps, back to their country where they can force reform in their own government?

Enclosed in this posting is a portion of the congressman's website where he pretends to be against amnesty. Speak up America, citizens of Tennessee, and Utah. Do what you can to send Congressman Cannon into retirement!

Cannon's Position

David A. Bess

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